PT. Hawk Teknologi Solusi

Silahkan Cari Disini

Jumat, 25 Februari 2011

Youtube IP Address and how to manipulate Youtube routing in Mikrotik Router

If you have more then one ISP you can manipulate routing for Youtube traffic to ISP with the best download rate for Youtube content

/ip firewall address-list
add address= comment=Google disabled=no list=youtube
add address= comment=TuDou disabled=no list=youtube
add address= comment=TuDou disabled=no list=youtube
add address= comment=YouTube disabled=no list=youtube
add address= comment=YouTube disabled=no list=youtube
add address= comment=YouTube disabled=no list=youtube
add address= comment=YouTube disabled=no list=youtube
add address= comment=Google disabled=no list=youtube

/ip firewall mangle
add action=mark-routing chain=prerouting \
comment="Routing Mark Youtube" disabled=no \
dst-address-list=youtube new-routing-mark=youtube passthrough=no

because if you mangle routing-mark all protocol and you have email server inside your network the email from gmail will failed to received so better you just mangle routing-mark for protocol tcp dst-port 80, like this:

/ip firewall mangle
add action=mark-routing chain=prerouting comment="Routing Mark Youtube" \
disabled=no dst-address-list=youtube dst-port=80 new-routing-mark=\
youtube passthrough=no protocol=tcp

/ip route
add comment="Routing Youtube" disabled=no dst-address= \
gateway= routing-mark=youtube

/ip firewall nat
add action=masquerade chain=srcnat \
comment="NAT Youtube via ISP Youtube" \
disabled=no out-interface=INTERFACE_TO_ISP_YOUTUBE

  1. gateway=, you must using your ISP gateway for Youtube traffic depend on your choice whic one of your ISP is best for Youtube traffic
  2. out-interface=INTERFACE_TO_ISP_YOUTUBE, change to your ISP interface at your mikrotik router

To avoid problem if your ISP for Youtube down you can copy-paste this script to mikrotik terminal:

/system script
add name=check_youtube policy=\
ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,winbox,password,sniff,sensitive source="\
:if ( [/ping count=1]=1) do={\r\
\n:log info \"Youtube Up\";\r\
\n:foreach i in=[/ip route find routing-mark=\"youtube\"] do={/ip route se\
t \$i disable=no};\r\
\n/tool e-mail send to=\"\" subject=([/system ident\
ity get name] . \" Youtube Up \" . [/system clock get date]) body=\"Youtub\
e Routing Mark Enable\";\r\
\n} else={\r\
\n:log info \"Youtube Down\";\r\
\n:foreach i in=[/ip route find routing-mark=\"youtube\"] do={/ip route se\
t \$i disable=yes};\r\
\n/tool e-mail send to=\"\" subject=([/system ident\
ity get name] . \" Youtube Down \" . [/system clock get date]) body=\"Yout\
ube Routing Mark Disable\";\r\

and activate this script from Netwatch

/tool netwatch
add comment="Youtube Check" disabled=no down-script=check_youtube host=\ interval=1m timeout=25ms up-script=check_youtube


1 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

TOP bro, thank you so much