PT. Hawk Teknologi Solusi

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Rabu, 24 Agustus 2011

ACK Time Out and Distance for Sectoral AP / PTMP

Sekedar info untuk Access Point dengan antena Sectoral khususnya UBNT Family ada yang berpendapat di forum luar sbb:

Auto ACK is having way too many problems. Set everything to manual.

Set the AP to 10% greater than the farthest client's actual distance.
Set the stations to 10% greater than distance back to the AP.

HOWEVER...I'm beginning to think that 10% number shouldn't be written in stone. I had one station with a 40% CCQ jump to 100% CCQ when I increased ACK from 10% to 15%. And it dropped down to around 40% when I set the ACK back to 10%.

apa itu ACK Time Out? bisa baca-baca di :

Kenapa jangan auto? ini penjelasannya:

For AP configuration you want to disable auto ACK because it would be readjusting for every client on the fly which I bet would waste CPU and possibly allow the AP to miss a few packets.

For clients, which should be the same ACK since your AP does not move, auto ACK should be OK. Since hopefully you have waaaaaay more clients than APs, most of your configs should be auto ack, thus it is the default option.

For point to point shots what I have done is enable auto ack, let the link go for a bit, then observe the main screen to see what value it settles into. Then I disable auto ack and put that value plus 10% in there as a static value. I only do this because I figure it would be more CPU efficient if the AP does not have to perform the ack finding code execution.

In theory, the link should be faster since the main bottleneck for these units when used as a backbone is CPU from what I read. The less CPU you use means the more you have available to pass packets I assume. I have not taken the time to confirm this however. I just think it sounds good on paper.

Nah jadi sebagai contoh di salah satu sectoral yang menggunakan ubnt rocket saya bisa lihat melalui aplikasi yang Ok banget dari ubnt = AirControl bisa dilihat jarak terjauh dari client yang terhubung ke Access Point tsb.

contoh web interface pake java aircontrol

Dari client terjauh menurut forum diatas tambahkan 15% dari jarak client terjauh jadi dalam contoh ini 1400meter + 1400meter * 15% = 1610meter di contoh ini saya jadikan 1miles ~ 1,7Km

Hasilnya bisa dilihat di Tab Main

Diharapkan dengan tidak menggunakan auto-ACK tetapi ACK mengikuti parameter jarak/Distance CCQ station-station yang terhubung ke Access Point bisa lebih stabil

Nah teori ini harus di buktikan dalam 1-2 hari kedepan , karena belum diuji :)

oh ya satu lagi dengan menggunakan AirControl maka setiap radio UBNT bisa di atur jadwal rebootnya agar memory UBNT tidak jenuh , selain itu configurasi nya juga bisa di backup secara berkala secara otomatis, untuk menggunakan AirControl tinggal download install di Ms.Windows yang sudah ada Java Virtual Machine nya lalu tinggal dibuka pake web browser .

AirControl ini ya semacam Dude kalau di Mikrotik kurang-lebih begitu ada mapnya juga

1 komentar:

baang mengatakan...

gan CCQ itu apa ya??