PT. Hawk Teknologi Solusi

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Jumat, 10 September 2010

Perbedaan Pseudo Bridge dengan WDS

Setelah mencari-cari penjelasan pseudobridge vs WDS akhirnya kutemukan artikel ini:

psudo only allows one active mac address to be behind the client.

so if you have a CPE with a customers router or single PC behind it, it works great. If the customer plugs in a switch and tries to hook up two computers that try to get online, it won't work as expected for them, and only one device at a time can receive packets.

Additionally it has less overhead than WDS, and reconnects to the AP faster in the event of a disconnect (WDS has to connect once regular, probe the AP to determine if WDS is supported, then reconnect as a WDS connection), Plus the option of turning off default forwarding on the AP works (To accomplish the same when using WDS you have to get creative and use a bunch of bridge rules).

For a backhaul, you should really avoid using WDS (or psudobridge), you should be using regular station and bridge mode, with no other devices connected, and then routing the data across a /30 subnet, preferably using OSPF (and a redundant path available), but static routing can be used if necessary.

Thanks Brian:

Penjelasannya kurang lebih sbb:

Kalau pake pseudo bridge hanya satu mac-address yang bisa aktif dibelakang access-point-client (APC) , alias di sisi router distribusi yang arp-tablenya hanya bisa kenal satu mac-address router sisi clientnya (semoga ngerti yang saya maksud)

jadi kalau Client Permissive Equipment (CPE) hanya dihubungkan ke satu router client menggunakan pseudobridge akan sangat bagus, tapi kalau CPE dihubungkan ke switch lalu ada lebih dari satu komputer maka hanya salah satu komputer saja yang arp nya masuk di arp-table router ISP , jadi kalau clientnya gak punya router dari CPE langsung ke switch lalu masuk beberapa komputer sisi APC harus dijadiin station-wds

Tapi dijelaskan oleh Brian, bahwa pseudobridge overheadnya lebih kecil dari WDS, alias lebih efisien dibanding WDS , dan pseodobridge kalau disconnect , connect lagi ke AP nya lebih cepat dibanding WDS.

Untuk backhaul kata Brian, sebaiknya menghindari pakai WDS tapi pakai mode station dan bridge biasa lalu lakukan routing per /30 subnet bisa pakai ospf atau static routing.

Semoga penjelasan ini bermanfaat

Harijanto P.

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